Friday, March 27, 2009

One Week Old

Laine is one week old today. We took him in to the doctor this morning for a weight check and to check his jaundice. He still has jaundice, but its going down. We have to keep in on the UV Billy Blanket but not as much. He hasn't gained any weight since we left the hospital so now we might have to start giving him a bottle too. Other than that he is doing great. He sleeps most the night only waking up once or twice and sleeping till at least 7 am, so wow that is nice. Landon is working on the adjustment. He loves his brother very much and thinks he is pretty cute, but when mom is busy feeding Laine, Landon has a hard time understanding that I cant just jump up anymore. But He is such a big help, bringing me diapers, and helping change and dress him. We are so blessed.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Laine Thomas

Laine Thomas is here! He came three weeks early to our surprise. But what a wonderful surprise. He was born Friday March 20th at 5:33 p.m. He weighed 7bls 9oz. and was 21 in. long. My delivery went well. Didn't take to long at all. Shawn and Kristi were in there with me. And what good support they both were. My mom and dad had Landon but were in Lewistown ready to meet Laine. Landon wanted to hold him right away. And he says he just loves his baby brother. He thinks his name is "Laine Thomas the Train" which is pretty cute. We just got home this afternoon. Its so nice to be home. Landon is still with my mom and dad. He is coming home tomorrow, so we will have our whole family together! I feel so blessed to have two beautiful boys. I just couldn't be happier. I will post more pics soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was also Shawn and I's anniversary. We have been married three years. Bless his heart he has put up with me for 3 years. :) Shawn is a wonderful husband and father. I truely can't imagine my life with out him. He works so hard to support his family, and make sure we have a roof over our head and food on the table. I am so lucky to beable to stay home. Thanks to Shawns hard work. It makes me so happy and blessed to know our kids will grow up to be like their dad! Happy Anniversary Shawn. I love you!

Birthday Girl...

Yesterday was my birthday. Im the big 26 now. On Tuesday night we went out to Kristi and Tim's for a St. Patty's dinner. It was wonderful. Of course someone said something about my birthday being the next day so they had to sing to me. Thanks guys! Then yesterday Landon and I went to Stanford for lunch and cake with my mom and dad. Landon got to go story hour and enjoyed that very much. It was a nice day spent with mom and dad. Then we came home for dinner at my inlaws. Shawns mom wanted to make me dinner, so I didnt say no! She got me some beautiful flowers and made some wonderful chocolate covers strawberrys! YUM YUM! It was a very nice birthday thanks to my wonderful family and friends!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Camera

Shawn and Landon gave me my birthday present early. I have wanted a new camera for quite some time. I told Shawn before the baby comes would be a perfect time for a new camera... :) haha! So he pulled through like a trooper, and got me a sweet new Canon Powershot. I love it. Here are some pics I have taken. Just wanted to share.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Grandma Ag

Great Grandma Agnes passed away today. She was an amazing women who lived a very long and good life. She was 99, and lived at home on her own until she was 97. Thats quite an accomplishment these days. One thing I will never forget about Grama Ag, was when I was a youngster I would go over there after school, and sometimes have to stay for dinner. And Grama would always make us this SPAM casserole. I am not a fan of the SPAM, but this wasn't bad. She was so proud of her family and grandchildren. I know she was very proud to be a Great-Great Grandma to Landon. We are all so blessed to have known such a lady, and been a part of her life.
May you rest in peace Grandma Ag, WE love you and will miss you greatly.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nesting and 6 weeks to go

Well i am in my 34 week of pregnancy. Its very hard to believe that I have 6 weeks or less. I keep saying for less because of course I'm at the "get this kid out of me stage." I think I am nesting, I have rearranged the furniture about 3 times, and cleaning like a wild women. I have packed the baby's bag, and Landon's going to gramma's bag. So now I just need to do mine and Shawns. The baby's room is finally all together. Its so darn cute. I just go in there everyday to look around and look at how tiny the diapers are and the clothes. I think its true you forget how tiny they really are. One important thing we have not done yet, is pick out a name. We have a few in mind, and I think we will just wait till we see the little peanut.

Shawn is doing much better, since everything happened. He went back to work on monday and had a good day back. He is still a little tired by the end of the day, but he is going strong and quite the trooper! I am just so thankfull and blessed he is doing better. He goes in to see Dr. Pelczar on the 13th for another post-op visit.